Stewardship Giving Through:
Donations – Online Giving
Thank you for prayerfully considering your contribution to Saint Paul’s Church. We have provided this online giving feature as a convenient way to allow you to support this ministry with your offerings.
We greatly appreciate your financial gifts to Saint Paul’s. Tax receipts will be issued for all eligible donations.
We are now offering Tithe.ly as our preferred option for online donations. The full, official link is here: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=b02f06c5-7e0a-4f1f-8088-32c5521fc802
Our previous chosen vendor PayPal is still active, for a while longer. Please click the button below to get started with PayPal:
Donations may also be sent directly to:
St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church
PO BOX 12635
5400 Annie Oakley Drive
Las Vegas NV 89120 USA